

Innovation from Asia
that changes Asia and the world


Nominations for the 4th Nikkei Asia Award are now closed.
The next nomination entries will open in 2025.

Winner 2023


Supporting Women's Independence through e-commerce

Nikkei Inc.announced that the Indonesian e-commerce platform, Evermos (CEO: Ghufron Mustaqim), had been named the winner of the third NIKKEI ASIA AWARD. Founded in 2018, Evermos provides online shopping services specifically to Muslims, who make up nearly 90% of Indonesia's population.

Noteworthy, the company supports the economic independence of women by creating jobs for those females in rural areas who lack employment opportunities. One example is by encouraging them to become business owners selling general merchandise and food products.

The four co-founders have shared an awareness of need to “change a situation in which logistics prevent small businesses from growing” since the company's inauguration. Just as technology has changed the way small and medium-sized businesses and individuals conduct commerce in the U.S., they want to encourage change in their home country.

See More Details of This Awardee

Ilham Taufiq, Chief of Strategy (Left)
Ghufron Mustaqim, CEO (Center Left)
Arip Tirta, President (Center Right)
Iqbal Muslimin, Chief of Sustainability (Right)


Flyer for Nomination 2024


Innovation from Asia
that changes Asia and the world

The NIKKEI ASIA AWARD is a project to recognize innovation originating Asia. “Innovation from Asia” involves any novel and innovative activities that promote the transformation of Asia and the world, and support the realization of a free and prosperous society from the Asian perspective – based on the diverse value.

The award focuses on novel and innovative activities started in Asia, and led by people from and living in Asia, creating a free and prosperous society by revitalizing the region and improving lives.

Nikkei newly launched the Nikkei Asia Award in 2021. The Nikkei Asia Prizes, established in 1996, had ended with the announcement of its 25th winners in 2020.

1996-2020 2021-


In order to reflect the diversity of perspectives in Asia, Nikkei has established the Advisory Board for the NIKKEI ASIA AWARD. The group consists of ten experts from Asian countries, including Japan. Nikkei appoints experts from nations and regions with shared values such as democracy, liberalism and market economy.

The Advisory Board submits the evaluations and opinions of the prospective candidates, selected by the Nikkei Selection Committee. Based on opinions and advice from the Board, the Nikkei Selection Committee chooses the award winner at the selection meeting, and obtains the approval of the Board.

Who's Next?

from Asia to the World

Nominations are welcome from anyone who knows about worthy candidates. You may nominate candidate via our nomination form. Self-nominations are not accepted.

Nominations for the 4th Nikkei Asia Award are now closed.
The next nomination entries will open in 2025.